The day we took the train from Mũi Né (actually the Mương Mán train station) to Đà Nẵng was one of those days where you spend most of your time wondering just how bad of a decision you made. Turns out, it was a bad decision. A bit of free advice… take the sleeper bus, not the train, in Vietnam. And if you do take the train, make absolutely sure that you get the “soft bunk” sleeper, not the “hard bunk”. We got screwed out a pile of đồng and didn’t realize the ticket we were sold was for the wrong bunk in the wrong car until it was too late. The cockroaches on the ceiling and smell of cabbage combined with the overpowering scent of that chemical they use in toilets so you can’t smell the toilet were a constant reminder of our folly.
Before boarding, while waiting for the hour-late train, I grabbed a shot of these two workers taking a break.
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I do love Vietnam. Just not the trains.